Turistiviisumit saatiin viikossa ja niiden hinnaksi tuli tosiaan kirjatun kirjeen maksu plus passikuvat. Passikuvia piti viisumihakemuksen mukaan laittaa kaksi kappaletta, mutta viisumiin niitä ei ainakaan oltu käytetty. Ehkäpä joku kerää niitä ihan muuten vain, tiedä häntä.
Jonilla on rokotukset kunnossa, mutta mulla oli sellainen tilanne, että olen saanut vain kaksi kappaletta Twinrix -rokotuksia (A ja B hepatiitti) joskus muutama vuosi sitten. Siihen olisi periaatteessa pitänyt ottaa kolmas tehosterokotus, joka tietenkin sitten jäi ottamatta (ylläri!). Terveydenhoitaja antoi minulle kolmannen piikin nyt neljä vuotta jälkikäteen ja hän sanoi, että tehostava vaikutus saadaan aikaan vielä tässäkin vaiheessa (ja että se on voimassa ainakin seuraavat 25 vuotta). Minulle myös uusittiin jäykkäkouristus ja suositeltiin vielä perus influenssarokotustakin otettavaksi ennen lähtöä.
Thaimaassa on viime aikoina ollut tulvia ja toivottavasti tilanne on rauhoittunut siinä vaiheessa kun me sinne pääsemme. Varmasti näin onkin. Kyllä me jo kovasti odotetaan tätä reissua, joten onneksi enää vajaa kuukausi jäljellä. Tässähän voi ruveta jo laskemaan päiviä!
We realized yesterday that we have only one more month to go! A month from now we will be on our way to Thailand as we speak! The last evening before the trip will probably go somewhat like this: I am having difficulties deciding which will be the few pieces of clothing I should take with me. Joni will probably not have the same problem, let alone consider that a problem in the first place.. :)
The tourist visas did not take more than one week and the expenses consisted of the postal fees and about 15 euros for the passport photos (each). The visas did not include our photos however. Maybe someone collects them just for the hell of it, who knows.
Joni is good to go in terms of vaccinations but I was missing one more shot against the A and B hepatitis (I did not remember to take the third shot which should be the one that gives you the protection for a longer term). However, the lovely lady at the health care center told me that it does not matter if you take the third shot even several years after the first ones, the impact should be the same as taking it 6 months afterwards (like supposed to).
Thailand has been flooding recently but hopefully the floods will be just a thing in the past once we get there. Whatever the case might be, we still can start counting the days until December 1st. Luckily it is starting to be just around the corner!
The tourist visas did not take more than one week and the expenses consisted of the postal fees and about 15 euros for the passport photos (each). The visas did not include our photos however. Maybe someone collects them just for the hell of it, who knows.
Joni is good to go in terms of vaccinations but I was missing one more shot against the A and B hepatitis (I did not remember to take the third shot which should be the one that gives you the protection for a longer term). However, the lovely lady at the health care center told me that it does not matter if you take the third shot even several years after the first ones, the impact should be the same as taking it 6 months afterwards (like supposed to).
Thailand has been flooding recently but hopefully the floods will be just a thing in the past once we get there. Whatever the case might be, we still can start counting the days until December 1st. Luckily it is starting to be just around the corner!